Bo Wang
Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology
Central University of Finance and Economics
Contact information
Department of Psychology
Central University of Finance and Economics
39 South Xueyuan Road, Haidian District
Beijing, 100081
Email: wangbo@cufe.edu.cn
PhD in Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Master in Engineering, North China Institute of Technology
Bachelor in Engineering, North China Institute of Technology
Work Experience
2013-present Associate Professor, Department of Psychology,
Central University of Finance and Economics
Visiting Scholar, Human Memory Lab (PI: Andrew Yonelinas),
University of California at Davis
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology,
Central University of Finance and Economics
Engineer, Qiqihar Jianhua Industrial Company
Advances in Cognitive Psychology
Behavior Research Methods
Behavioral Sciences
BMC Psychology
Cognition and Emotion
Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience
Frontiers in Psychology
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition
Journal of Intelligence
Journal of Promotion Management
Memory & Cognition
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
Psychology: Techniques and Applications
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
Behavioral Neuroscience
General Psychology
English for Psychology
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Marketing Psychology
Mental Health and Psychology
Research Grants
The effect of emotion on consolidation of episodic memory
(PI – Bo Wang)
-National Natural Science Foundation of China (31100736)
-Active 2012.1-2014.12 (Total : 230,000 RMB)
The effect of discount frame on consumers' attitude and purchase intention
(PI – Bo Wang)
-Humanities and Social Sciences Project, Ministry of Education of China (21YJA630083)
--Active 2021.8-2023.3 (Total : 100,000 RMB)
Journal Articles
36. Fan, R., & Wang, B. (2023). The effect of product-model distance and advertising appeals on consumer’s evaluation: The moderating role of gender. Psychological Techniques and Applications, 11, 65-86.
35. Zhang, H., & Wang, B. (2022). Influence of emotion and information presentation on willingness and attitude towards vaccination of COVID-19. Psychological Techniques and Applications, 10, 415-428.
34. Wang, B. (2022). Does repurchase timing matter in promotional framing effect?
Marketing Intelligence and Planning (accepted) [SSCI]
33. Wang, B. (2022). Absolute number heuristic in discount frames.
Marketing Intelligence and Planning, doi: 10.1108/MIP-03-2022-0113 [SSCI]32. Ke, J. H., & Wang, B. (2022). Effects of aerobic exercise on memory and its neurobiological mechanism. Advances in Psychological Science, 30, 115-128. (in Chinese) [CSSCI]
31. Wang, B. (2021). Promotional framing affects repurchase intention: Roles of consumer gender and product nature. Journal of Promotion Management, 27, 1014-1030.
30. Li, C., Fan, L., & Wang, B. (2020). Post-encoding positive emotion impairs associative memory for English vocabulary, PLoS ONE, 15: e0228614. [SSCI]
29. Wang, B., & Ren, Y. (2020). Time-dependent effects of discrete post-encoding emotions on item memory and source memory. Memory, 28, 414-440. [SSCI]
28. Wang, B. (2020). Effect of post-encoding emotion on long-term memory: Modulation of emotion category and memory strength. The Journal of General Psychology. DOI: 10.1080/00221309.2020.1769543 [SSCI]
27. Loprinzi, P. D., Matalgah, A., Crawford, L., Yu, J. J., Kong, Z., Wang, B., Liu, S., & Zou, L. (2019). Effects of acute normobaric hypoxia on memory interference. Brain Sciences, 9, 323. [SCI]
26. Wang, B., & Zhao, C. (2019). Testing the retrieval effort theory: Evidence from the time-dependent effect of testing on memory for English-Chinese paired associates. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 78, 125-136. [SSCI]
25. Wang, B. (2018). Differential effects of emotion induced after encoding on item memory and reality-monitoring source memory. PLoS ONE, 13:e0199002. [SCI]
24. Wang, B. (2018). Retention interval modulates the effect of negative arousing pictures on recognition memory. Memory, 26, 1-12. [SSCI]
23. Wang, B., & Ren, Y. (2017). Effect of post-encoding emotion on recollection and familiarity UPDATED 20220708 2257for pictures. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, 1236-1253. [SSCI]
22. Wang, B., & Sun, B. (2017). Post-encoding emotion enhances consolidation of item memory, but not reality-monitoring source memory. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, 461-472. [SSCI]
21. Wang, B. (2017). Gender difference in effect of positive emotion on consolidation of memory for definitions of English vocabulary. International Journal of Bilingualism, 21, 306-316. [SSCI]
20. Wu, Q., Tan, C., Wang, B, & Zhou, P. (2015). Behavioral Immune System and Ingroup Derogation: The Effects of Infectious Diseases on Ingroup Derogation Attitudes. PLoS ONE 10: e0122794. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0122794. [SCI]
19. Wang, B., & Sun, B. (2015). Timing matters: Negative emotion elicited 5 min but not 30 min or 45 min after learning enhances consolidation of internal-monitoring source memory. Acta Psychologica, 157, 56-64. [SSCI]
18. Wang, B., & Sun, B. (2015). Time-limited effects of emotional arousal on item and source memory. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68, 2274-2290. [SSCI]
17. Wang, B. (2015).Negative emotion elicited in high school students enhances consolidation of item memory, but not source memory. Consciousness and Cognition, 33, 185-195. [SSCI]
16. Wang, B. (2015). Positive arousal enhances the consolidation of item memory Swiss Journal of Psychology, 74, 91–104. [SSCI]
15. Wang B. (2014). Effect of time delay on recognition memory for pictures: The modulatory role of emotion. PLoS ONE, 9, e100238. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100238 [SCI, SSCI]
14. Wang, B. (2013). Gender difference in recognition memory for neutral and emotional faces. UPDATED 20220708 2257Memory, 21, 991–1003. [SSCI]
13. Wang, B. (2013). Effect of positive emotion on consolidation of memory for faces: The modulation of facial valence and facial gender. Memory, 21,706–721. [SSCI]
12. Wang, B. (2013). Facial expression influences recognition memory for faces: Robust enhancement effect of fearful expression. Memory, 21, 301–314. [SSCI]
11. Wang, B. (2012). Females’superiority in item memory, but not source memory for neutral and emotional Chinese words. Personality and Individual Differences, 52, 925–929. [SSCI]
10. Wang, B., & Fu, X. (2012). Effect of emotion on item memory and source memory.
Advances in Psychological Science, 20, 168–173. [CSSCI]
9. Wang, B. (2012). The effect of post-reactivation emotion on reconsolidation of item memory and source memory for Chinese words. The 8th International Conference on Natural Computation. [EI]
8. Wang, B., & Fu, X. (2011). Time course of effects of emotion on item memory and source memory for Chinese words. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 95, 415–424. [SCI,]
7. Wang, B. (2011). Effects of emotion on item memory and spatial source memory. The 7th International Conference on Natural Computation. [EI]
6. Wang, B., & Fu, X. (2010). Gender differences in the effects of post-learning emotion on consolidation of item memory and source memory. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 93, 572–580. [SCI, SSCI]
5. Wang, B., & Fu, X. (2010).The Effect of Emotional Stimuli on Source Memory: Theoretical Models and Current Research. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 37, 245–251. (in Chinese) [SCI]
4. Wang, B., & Fu, X. (2010). Reduced source memory for emotional pictures. The 6th UPDATED 20220708 2257UPDATED 20220708 2257 International Conference on Natural Computation. [EI]
3. Wang, B., & Fu, X. (2009). Gender differences in the effect of daytime sleep on declarative memory for pictures. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B, 10, 536–546. [SCI]
2. Wang, B. Liu, Y. (2005). Particle Size Effect of HMX on Its Impact Sensitivity.
Journal of North China Institute of Technology, 26, 35–37. (in Chinese)
1. Wang, B. (2000). How to Prepare for BEC-II (Business English Test-level 2). College Students of NCIT (North China Institute of Technology), 6, 40–42 (in Chinese)
Wang, B. (2021).
Effect of emotion on episodic memory
. Economic Science Press: Beijing
The "Memory" chapter for Psychology, Published by East China Normal University Press, 2016
Theses Supervision
2022 Xiaozhu Wang, Effects of price fluency and duration frame on attitude towards AD,
purchase intention and willingness to pay
Suihan Jing, Effects of color congruence and product type on consumer
Xuanrui Ma, Influences of sense of power and food type on food choice and enjoyment
2021 Tingting Xie, Effect of discount frame under different psychological dimensions
2020 Jinhong Ke, Effect of aerobic exercise on memory of older adults in China
2019 Fan Mo, Effect of price unit on price perception and purchase intention
Yaning Zhang, Framing effect in promotion for products of different prices: Modulation of
temporal distance
2018 Zhao Ma, Effect of emotion on height perception
Zhihan Dong, Effect of promotional framing on repurchase intention
2017 Hua Lai, Effect of emotion on local and global perception
2016 Chenxi, Qu, Effect of basic emotions on memory consolidation: The modulation of
memory strength
Siyuan Du, Does the stimuli priority modulate the effect of emotion on memory
Jiaoyang Shao, Effect of testing on memory for English words
2015 Xiyu Wu, Effect of post-encoding emotion on memory consolidation for words: The
modulation of emotion duration
Ran Xu, Effect of post-encoding emotion on memory consolidation for Chinese words:
The modulation of induction delay and word valence
2014 Yunyao Han, Effect of emotional arousal on reality-monitoring
Leilei Jin, Effect of post-encoding emotion on memory reconsolidation for faces
2013 Haibo Zhao, Time window for the effect of post-encoding emotion on item and source
2012 Xinfeng Li, Time window for the effect of post-encoding emotion on episodic memory
2010 Mingqi Xiang, Time course in the effect of emotional memory for pictures
Jialiu Zhang, The effect of post-encoding emotion on memory for Chinese words
2011 FenFang Wang, Effect of post-encoding emotion on memory reconsolidation
Xiaoyi He, Effect of post-encoding emotion on memory for faces
2017 Prize of excellent academic paper, Central University of Finance and Economics
2012 Prize of excellent academic paper, Central University of Finance and Economics
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2010 Excellent PhD Candidate, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2009 First class scholarship, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2004 First prize, English writing competition, North University of China
2003 Excellence prize, Oral English Competition, Shanxi People's Broadcasting Station
2002 Excellence prize, National Oral English Competition, Beijing
2000 First prize, National English Competition for College Students
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