Department of Psychology

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Feng Yuan


FENG  YUAN Associate professor

Department of psychology,

Faculty of social and psychological institution, Central University of Finance and Economics

Professional orientation

the development of cognitive psychology, religious psychology

Research interests

the relationship between moral development, Buddhism and psychology

Educational background

2004 graduated from the Department of psychology, Peking University, Doctorate in science

1997 graduated from the Department of psychology, Beijing Normal University, received a master's degree in Education

1985 graduated from the Department of psychology, Peking University, received a Bachelor of Science Degree

Working  experience

1985 - 1992 Department of civil affairs cadre institute of Psychology

1992-now  Central University of Finance and Economics Department of psychology, Faculty of social and psychological sciences

Research project

The Gestalt and The Heart Sutra ;  Youth Buddhist Society International Conference; received first prize in July 2016

A study on the judgment of moral and custom in children with autism -- a preliminary study on the phenomenon of children's moral judgment ; 2004 International Congress of psychology included articles (in the field of psychology SCI article)

Brain imaging study of human being's judgment of good and evil ; 2005 International Human (Organization Mapping Brain) Conference (for) included articles

Opportunities and challenges of Chinese education in twenty-first Century ; Heilongjiang Publishing House of China, 2005, 8

The comparison of the moral model with the theory of mind -- the four component model and the function model of the moral structure ; "Education Explore" published in 2006

The moral evaluation scale; Chinese Journal of Health Psychology, 2009,06

The relationship between theory of mind and morality ; In the "twenty-first Century China education opportunities and challenges" as the main paper 2005, 8

Research on evaluation index and structural dimension of good teachers in University; Hongkong "science frontier" 2004, 6

A thesis on the origin of human nature in the moral development of children; "Psychological Science" 2006, 7

The conflict and harmony between the interest and the way of the economic activity ; China's vocational education ,  2005,7

The scientific spirit of Psychology ; "Open up" 2005

Li Hongzhi's fallacies not orthodox Buddhism ;  "Open up" 2004

Publishing Books

Feng Yuan. Youth Psychology. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing Ltd, 2006

Social services and social work

Buddha Association of China Larong Buddhism College member ofsupervisor

Member of China Charitable Foundation

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