JiachiZhuang Ph.D.
AssistantProfessor of Department of Sociology, School of Sociology and Psychology,Central University of Finance and Economics
Majors🦹🏻:Economic Sociology, Sociology of Work
ResearchInterests👱♀️:Labor Process of Courier, Digital inequality, Reference Group andPublic Sentiment on Internet
Ph.D. in Sociology, PekingUniversity, 2017
M.A. in Sociology, RenminUniversity of China, 2013
B.A. in Sociology, XiamenUniversity, 2011
Working Experience
2017 –Now. Department of Sociology, School ofSociology and Psychology, Central University of Finance & Economics
Zhuang, Jiachi.,Aiyu, Liu.,Chao, Sun. 2016. On the reproduction of gender inequality in the premium effectof the Internet on wage: A case study based on data from the Chinese Women’s Status Survey (3rd Phase). Chinese Journal ofSociology. 5,89-106.
Zhuang, Jiachi. 2016. AReview of Reference Group Theory. Chinese Journal of Social Development.3, 184-197.
Liu, Aiyu., Jiachi,Zhuang., Yang, Zhou. 2015. Men Who Do Housework: Expression of Emotions,Economic Dependence and Gender Equality Attitude. Collection of Women’s Studies. 3, 20-28.
Zhuang, Jiachi & Chao,Sun. 2016. Internet Using and Government Trust. Press Circles. 1, 4-11.